Friday, August 30, 2019

Crimson Skies on Microsoft Surface Pro 6 i5!

S` All,

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated... but great news!  I just bought a Microsoft Surface Pro 6 i5 and it runs PC version of Crimson Skies FLAWLESSLY!  I'll have to install FRAPS and see what kind of frame rates I'm getting... but I can already tell it's well over the original 30FPS I used to get back when the game first came out in 2001!  ;)

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Friday Night Dogfights... starting this Friday on Game Ranger!

S` all,

We're going to try and see if we can get an online game going on Game Ranger!  Come on out this Friday, 15FEB from 19:00 to 23:00 EST!  Check out the event on our Facebook Group Page!  Hope to see you there!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Microsoft's Crimson Skies v1.02 HD Graphics Cards Update

S` All,

It has certainly been a while since I've updated BlackJack's Hangar, especially with anything regarding the original PC version of the game.  Well, I finally broke down and bought a proper gaming laptop (a Razer Blade 13.3" with Nvidia UHD Graphics installed), and of course my Crimson Skies PC game would not load properly.  Thankfully the good folks at WSGF have created a multitude of HD Graphics fixes for older games, including Microsoft's Crimson Skies.  (Links provided at the bottom of this post).

After some play testing I was finally able to get my game working!  Not only was I able to get it working like my old set-up with my Logitech Extreme 3D joystick, I was able to get it working thru Steam as an added "custom" game and working with my PlayStation 4 Dual Shock Controller!

Here are a few pics from game-play testing on my Razer Blade 13.3" laptop!

Click HERE to download Microsoft's Crimson Skies v1.02.

Click HERE to check out the various fixes from WSGF.

Don't forget to check us out on our Facebook Group Page.