Friday, August 30, 2019

Crimson Skies on Microsoft Surface Pro 6 i5!

S` All,

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated... but great news!  I just bought a Microsoft Surface Pro 6 i5 and it runs PC version of Crimson Skies FLAWLESSLY!  I'll have to install FRAPS and see what kind of frame rates I'm getting... but I can already tell it's well over the original 30FPS I used to get back when the game first came out in 2001!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Could you maybe precisely describe how you got the game to run? I tried installing the game on my Surface as well and with the original cd it doesn't start and with the downloaded version it does start but whenever there's the indicator of where enemies are the indicator becomes one square and is not round like it is supposed to be.

    Help would be greatly appreciated!
